Feed a planet with fewer resources

Insecterra is an innovative Ukrainian agrotech company. We are engaged in a full cycle of cultivation of the Black Lion insect and its processing into feed additives for animals.
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Insecterra: a closed ecological cycle is the key to a sustainable future
What do you think of the protein created from insect larvae? It sounds unusual, but quite organic. We have waste-free production. The output is not only a source of high-quality protein flour, but also valuable zoo humus. We set up a farm to grow black lionfish larvae to provide animal feed producers with a natural, completely safe product. This process is more resource-efficient compared to other protein sources.
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Our Mission
Insecterra is a commitment to nature and innovation, and these principles are embodied at every stage of our production. We produce high-quality bio-products. Our goal is to change the world for the better, and we decided to start with innovative solutions in the field of feed additives. Insecterra's mission is to implement innovative solutions for raising black lionfish larvae. This reduces the negative impact of animal husbandry on the environment and provides feed producers with a sustainable source of protein.
Black Soldier Fly
What makes a black lionfish better than other protein sources?
Hermetia illucens is a species of fly whose larvae have a number of unique properties for cultivation as protein sources. First, it is efficiency: the larvae consume agricultural byproducts, turning them into zoohumus. Secondly, rapid growth: 2 weeks are enough to reach the product size. In this state, the larvae are an excellent source of nutrients for animals and, potentially, for humans. Most often they are used in the production of feed.
Growing black lionfish larvae does not affect the environment. They require much less resources than farm animals and do not pollute the environment. Larvae do not tolerate diseases. Therefore, the protein flour and other products obtained from them are completely safe for animals, do not cause food allergies and are well absorbed. Highly effective product is included in cat and dog food, additives for agricultural animals, fish feed.
Circular Economy
Circular economy in action: larvae + waste = food
Global problems of the traditional supply chain: the growth of the planet's population, the increase in the volume of waste, the scarcity of resources, the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases. Clearly, humanity needs an alternative source. They can become insects. Their stability, ability to grow rapidly, nutritional values create new opportunities for producers of ready-made feeds or dietary supplements for animals (and in the long term, protein products for humans).
Circular economy in action: larvae + waste = foodGlobal problems of the traditional supply chain: the growth of the planet's population, the increase in the volume of waste, the scarcity of resources, the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases. Clearly, humanity needs an alternative source. They can become insects. Their stability, ability to grow rapidly, nutritional values create new opportunities for producers of ready-made feeds or dietary supplements for animals (and in the long term, protein products for humans). How do black lionfish larvae fit into a circular economy? First, they feed on waste from agricultural production. The potential waste that would pollute the planet, they consume, and in the process turn into valuable fertilizer. Secondly, larvae-based products benefit agricultural animals. It is a valuable source of safe to digest proteins and fats for feeding chickens, pigs, fish and other animals
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